Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nesting? Anxiety? Excitement? So much

So I have been up on and off all night. Not sure why. I think it was a combination of the excitement of yesterday and actually making a little trip out of the house for something besides a doctor's appointment, having caffeine after none for a day and a half, constant pressure on my bladder causing me to get up every half an hour or so, and even a little bit of nesting. I really think the nesting is getting me, well as much as it can to a woman on bed rest who doesn't have much experience with cooking and isn't that good about deep cleaning. But I can't seem to stay out of the kitchen just to tend to things like making my sugar free jello, hard boiling some eggs for me to have for breakfast. I'm sitting here now on the couch debating whether or not I should endure the walk up and then back down the stairs to get a basket of Grace's laundry so I can wash some more of her clothes as well as the sheets we got yesterday. I just want to sort things, fix things, prepare things. Is this nesting? And if it is, does this mean Grace is getting super close? Mom and I were talking a lot about Grace's arrival today. I'm still talking as if she's coming in November around Thanksgiving which is her due date. I'd say at the earliest she'll probably be here is the first weekend in November which will be our 37 week mark and she will actually no longer be considered preterm. Mom... well, ole "grandma" keeps talking about 34 or 35 weeks which would be between October 15 and 22nd. I guess she's mainly doing this to prepare me for the possibility of a premature baby as well as the fact we've already taken some of the precautions in case a delivery that early was necessary (steroid shots to help with lung development during my hospital stay Sept 15-17th at 30 weeks). She even got the feeling from the doctor that it definitely didn't seem likely we'd make it all the way to 40 weeks and with my blood pressure issues it might end up being safer for both Grace and me if she comes early. And of course, there's a bit of a history to mom of babies coming at 34 weeks - that was when I arrived.
I'm torn. I want her to be healthy and stay inside and "cook" all of the way through, but I don't want any toxins in my body caused by blood pressure, blood pressure meds, and my stress to have any ill effect on her. I really DON'T want to carry her all of the way to 40 weeks, I hope she gets here before Thanksgiving. I'm just still torn about her maybe coming in time for Halloween. Thank god I'm going for doctors visits twice a week now to monitor us. It sure seems early to be doing that since I just hit 31 weeks yesterday, but if its whats best for Grace and I guess even for me, then its what I want. The doctor said at the appointment this past Thursday "we're gonna take things on an appointment by appointment basis." So we'll see. For now, this mama to be needs to sleep, at least for a few more hours...

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